Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Man and Love

Love is a gift of God, he is inside every human being, so he is universal. He is associated with the deepest aspects of human beings, because we sense it will never be able to understand nature in other words, love only to be felt not to think about. Also difficult to deny that love is one of the needs of human life is quite fundamental.
Love can be happy at once miserable. Kekuatanya can make people laugh, sad, whimpering or even crying. But make no mistake cry in sex was common. In love with no complaints and complaining, because no other lover goal is the goal of the lover. Moaned and groan clearly contrary to the willingness, for lovers of all deeds are always willing lover. In a hadith, the Prophet once said: "Three things come from good pembendaharaan; hide charity, hide and conceal complaints disaster."
Love is one of the most interesting themes to be discussed, written, or filmed disyairkan. Hundreds of the definition of love has been put forward by the scholars, psychologists and philosophers. Thousands of strands of beautiful poems have been woven by the poets of the world, all trying to define and a portrait of the nature of love. Tetapih love remains a mystery and the biggest puzzle for humans.
A Sufi divide love into two categories; Divine Love And Human Love. Love divine grace is essential is delegated to humans. He is the incarnation of His nature; ar-rahman ar-uterine and the impossible can be calculated with an estimated human, as it is impossible to calculate favors which has given him.
In our every breath, every cell in our blood, in each of the elements contained in soil, there is a divine love that we often do not realize. With his rahmaniyah God has revealed the beauty of the rainbow through the mediation of both our eyes, and make itself merdunya water splashing through His gift of a pair of ears. With his rahmaniyah God has given sweet taste of sugar through through our tongues. Unfortunately we often forget about giving yourself to Him. Clever-clever we are grateful, still not adequate as an expression of gratitude is too large due to the grace of God.
Second is human love. This love comes from first love. Love between men and women is a portion of divine love. Apapaun we feel about love, in the manner and extent of any small part of the love god. Tetapih sometimes lover becomes a veil between love and reality of true love. One day the veil will be lifted where purposes and a true lover will appear in all the greatness of god.
The theme of love is not be exhausted to talk. He belongs to everyone and everyone is entitled to speak about love.

1. Meaning of Love
Love is a matter of heart problems, he relates to the deepest feelings in man. It is not surprising that it has a sense of love and planting a diverse, depending on who and what is perceived by a person and how he mengeskpresikan gust love it.
In a simple love can be said as an alloy of sympathy between the two creatures. Sympathy is not only growing among men and women, will tetapih could also between man to man or woman to woman. Examples are easy to understand for this we can see in a loving relationship between a father with his son, or between a mother with her daughter.
Love is very closely adrift with human life. selintas never any people think that love is not important. They are hungry for love. Many people do not stop watching movies about love stories, both ended with a happy and vice versa. Many people like to hear dozens of songs about love that pattern. Nevertheless, almost every people never think about what and how to love it. In fact, love can be described as an art as any other art form, it requires knowledge and practice to be mengapainya.

2. Motif-motif is Driving The emergence of Love.
The motive of love is a feeling, followed by the desire and tendency to love something one's heart. He also could mean something that is inside of a person who causes he loved. Thus, it is the motive is a combination of both, the properties of a person who encourages others to love him, and feelings of love that is in the lover. Besides the existence of harmony and compatibility, as the force that will build and bind their love.
Thus, there are several motives that drive the emergence of a sense of love, that is something that is inside of her lover, especially the beauty and the beauty, the feeling of love the lover and the conformity and harmony among them. The stronger and is also perfect love caused by it. Vice versa.
When the loved one being in the top of the charm of her beauty, coupled with sempurnannya harmony and harmony that binds the two souls, will be created lasting love and eternal.
Sometimes, the lover levels of beauty it mediocre, tetapih seen so perfect in the eyes of lovers, her love will be perfect. So that beauty is relative, depending on how much love is felt by someone that, because "your love for something can make you blind and deaf."
No doubt that one lover is one of the most beautiful in the eyes of the lover of all things and beyond. It could be the perfect beauty of a woman, but can not be fully enjoyed by a man, so that his love be mediocre ..

3. Affection
According to the Indonesian general dictionary writing WJS Purwodarminto, compassion is defined by feelings of affection, feelings of love or feelings of love to someone.
In married life affection is the key to happiness. Compassion is a growth of love. When youth romance ended with marriage, then married a young family in that no longer make love-love, but it is shed each other's love to love or affection.
If one element of love lost, for example elements of responsibility, then the integrity retaklah household. Compassion is not accompanied by honesty will terancamlah happiness that household.

4. Intimacy
Intimacy comes from the intimate meaning of intimate feelings of sympathy. Intimacy is a good intimate relationship between men and women who are intoxicated by romance or already married.
Yose Ortega Y. Gasset in his novel "On Love" say "in his soul a lover feels himself united with the object of unconditional love. Unity is the fundamental unity and involve the whole existence ".
Intimacy can lead to the power of human creativity. with the intimacy of people to create various art forms in accordance with ability and talent.

5. True love
Love is based on the motives and purposes may not be lasting. So it is with love that is based on material owned by her lover, because with the loss or change something, it will disappear also love earlier. But when love is based on motifs derived from the lover's inner ssendiri and nature, her love would be eternal while there are no obstacles that cause love is lost. Barriers could include changes in circumstances (mental), the condition of the suffering lover or arising by her lover because of this suffering could weaken or even eliminate the feeling of love at all.
Therefore, the lovers are divided in two groups. The first group said that it was not true love if he could cut off by suffering or disturbance. Indications that true love is not love because of reduced levels keberpalingan lover, he also could not remove only because of the suffering endured by the lover, even he will enjoy whatever treatment her lover against him;
'My love blossomed, no matter who you are
how are you, past or present
you do not care (in my situation), so I will
you're acting like the behavior of my enemies
then I will love them
judgment against you
same as in their judgment
kuperoleh enjoyment if people insult me
I felt the reproach in the love
as a delicacy
love has been imprinted, then let them picking on me
this is called true love, which grows from a strong harmony. He hinakan himself because sanag melecehkanya lover, he loved his enemies because they like the lover who often hurt.
This is a consequence of a feeling of perfect love, despite sincere heart and soul not accept it.
The second group is different from the first, they thought it could relieve the suffering of love, because nature and human nature is naturally going to hate people who hurt him, as where he would like people who do good to him.

6. The emergence of Cause For Love
The cause of the emergence of a sense of love that there are three kinds. First sight, be it through the eye and vision care. Both assessments are good, if the outlook was not accompanied by assessments and the assumption that good, then it is unlikely that love will appear. Third, think about what he had seen and what is dancing her heart. If someone is preoccupied by matters more important (according to him) than what he had seen, then there will emerge a sense of love, although interest in it can not be eliminated. Because it is said that love is the movement of an empty soul. If the view. Assessment and thought had occurred to the heart that is empty, will emerge feeling of love.

7. Signs of Love
There are some signs that the supporters love love it:
1. Concentration in the lover's eyes
The eyes are the heart door, he pushed all the secrets contained in the liver. The eyes convey more honest than of the tongue, because the indications look more real, spontaneous, without any artificial or cultivated, while the tongue indication lafadz, who follow what the intended meaning of the speech. Eyes of someone who is in love will always be drawn to people who loved, wherever she goes.
2. Bowed shame if in view by her lover
The lovers could only close his eyes, lowered his face and looked away when looking at her lover. This is all driven by a sense of shame because of the greatness and majesty of his beloved his heart.
3. Always remember and mention the name of her lover
The name of a lover will not be forgotten at all in the heart of the lover, because his name has stuck deep inside his heart. But because keterbatasanya place in my heart, the lover can terkandang melupakannaya, because something was missing interrupt, ingatanya will return.

4. Can not wait as far away from lover
A lover would feel uneasy when he had to be away from her lover, but he will be very patient, as for the patience of a lover for far and away with her lover is apparent patience, patience is not true.

5. Anything like that favored by her lover

6. The road to the house lover was actually much closer though
7. Embarrassed when being together with her lover
8. Something fun like all the lover.
9. Jealous lover
Jealousy someone will emerge if the lover have been wronged or dihianati.
10. Like tandem
Nothing is more beautiful felt by people who are in love than be alone with a lover.
11. The existence of harmony between the two of them
harmony between the two lovers will terbina if there is a match between two of them dalamberbagai thing, many of them are sick because of her illness her lover, while he was not aware of a lover to say something, and at the same time her boyfriend also said something similar and exactly the same.

8. Meaning of Worship
Adoration is the embodiment of human love to God. because God is love only for humans, while the lovers love and the love of neighbor is a blessing that God put in the human heart.
Love that there are three kinds: love God, love for God and love with God. Loving God is the perfection of love and tuntunanya. Love for God requires that to love what is loved by Him and love anything that can help her love, menghantarkanya in proximity to His good pleasure. While love with God is the love that smell of shirk, like love people to shirk their god.

9. Mercy
Love this fellow is given the term "Twelve Pity" to distinguish between the love of god, love to parents, male-female love, love the nation and homeland.
In the letter Al-Pen paragraph 4 of the human being merciful to others, because compassion is the act of a virtuous person, while the righteous man is praised by Allah SWT.
In the essay "On Love" is the understanding that love is a feeling of unity without conditions. That means in a sense of pity belasa not contain elements of self-interest. Pity that we really shed from a sincere heart.

Source: Shaykh ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawzi, 2004. Why no love. Abla Publisher. Jakarta.

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