Relationship Between Science (Chemistry) and Technology
by: salman
Technology is the application of science that is concerned with practical uses in industry. Therefore, science (chemistry) and technology need each other, because "science (chemistry) without a technology like a fruitless tree, while the technology without science is like a tree without roots" (science (chemistry) is fruitless without technology, without science technology (chemistry) is Rootless). With support resources manusis quality and natural resources sufficient and adequate, there was rapid progress in science and technology, whose products will equip people with various (1) The material is good (such as construction of buildings, various types of foods and beverages, various types of information or communication and transportation, the various devices that can generate great energy and improve the working efficiency of the machines, thus speeding / improving production, various types of medicines, clothing, soap and detergents, cosmetics, plastics, polymers, fibers, dyes, and various other items), and (2) Services / Services 9meliputi waiter: transport, telkomunikasi, hotel / lodging, security and safety for individuals or communities), so terwujudlah welfare. From the above brief description terliat that chemistry is very important to be learned and in apliksikan in life.
hati-hati ya...kalo sering bereksperimen dengan alat2 kimia resikonya banyak.. bisa mengganggu janin, epilepsi, dan kanker rahim..heheheheh...:)